By Brett Freese
Market Highlights
Economic Notes:
Historical Stock Market Declines:
Market declines and inclines rarely look the same or even feel the same, but they do happen and the ups and downs are a part of the process – It is important to have a plan/strategy so emotions don’t dictate buying or selling.
A 5% or greater loss occurs about 3 times a year
A 10% or greater loss occurs about once a year
A 15% or greater loss occurs about once every 2 years
A 20% or greater loss occurs about once every 3.5 years
Please know that when stock prices go down the “market collapse gurus” receive the most air time. Likewise, when stock prices go up all the “bull market gurus” talk about how the market will continue to be up BIG. Please know that most “gurus” are great with hindsight to justify how important it is to have their voice heard.
Market Scorecard for the 2nd Quarter of 2019:
US Equities:
+4.3% S&P 500 (Index of the largest US publicly traded companies)
+2.10% Russell 2000 (Index of 2000 Small-cap US publicly traded companies)
Global Equities:
+1.62% MSCI EAFE (Index of Large and Mid-cap across 21 developed markets non-US)
-0.71% MSCI EM (Index of Large and Mid-cap across 24 emerging markets non-US)
US Bonds:
+3.08% Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index (Broad Bond Market Index)
+5.92% USTREAS T-Bill Constant Maturity Index (US Short-term Bills Index)
+2.14% Barclays Municipal Bond Index
+2.91% Morningstar World Bond Category Index
+6.56% Commodities – Precious Metals
Market Indicators:
1.79% as of 06/19/19 (Up 0.27% from 1.52% as of 03/15/19)
3.6% as of 06/07/19 (Down 0.2% from 3.8 in March)
Fed Funds Target Rate:
2.25%-2.5% as of 06/25/19 (No change from last quarter)
Suggested Next Steps: